About Us

PT. Aneka Isolasi berdiri sejak tahun 1989 dan saat ini telah menjadi perusahaan dengan produk-produk Insulation (Hot & Cold Materials), Refractory (Castable & Brick), Sealing (Packing & Gasket), Building (Fireproofing & Soundproofing) & material lainnya terlengkap.

About Us

PT. Aneka Isolasi berdiri sejak tahun 1989 dan saat ini telah menjadi perusahaan dengan produk-produk Insulation (Hot & Cold Materials), Refractory (Castable & Brick), Sealing (Packing & Gasket), Building (Fireproofing & Soundproofing) & material lainnya terlengkap.

Milestone min 1


  • To be the best company in providing the best insulation, sealing, refractory & building materials to customers.
  • To be the leader in every market we serve, to the benefit of our customers & shareholders.


  • Provide high-quality products at competitive price
  • Reach the customer satisfaction
  • Generate profitable growth through superior customer service, innovation, quality & commitment
  • Provide fast delivery and high-quality service


Externally & Internally from customers and the team.

Keep providing knowledge & improving human resources capabilities continuously.

Combining quality, skills and discipline to achieve great results

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